Hello all.
The issues reported by many about not being able to create course backup files or not being able to see all shared courses is 100% caused by the access management at MoodleHUB. What used to sort of work in the past does not work anymore, mostly due to the amount of time it takes to verify an account and granting appropriate access. Attempts to connect to provincial databases of various organizations to verify teacher status have failed and will probably never work.Â
In the past, we created a verification process in an attempt to manage the sharing of question banks, answer keys and so forth. The process worked but it takes time to manage and it is not sustainable. Unfortunately, there is not a technical solution I am aware of that would allow for a non-manual verification process. Presently, MoodleHUB has accounts with the following email domains. If you have any ideas on how to proceed or how to manage verification or even if we still need it, post it here or bring it to the meetings.
gmail.com |
cbe.ab.ca |
prs26.ca |
rockyview.ab.ca |
pallisersd.ab.ca |
outlook.com |
educbe.ca |
mun.ca |
ecsd.net |
rvschools.ab.ca |
rdcrs.ca |
rdpsd.ab.ca |
cachs.ca |
sperd.ca |
drmail.in |
ualberta.ca |
hcsgp.ca |
northernlakescollege.ca |
eips.ca |
cssd.ab.ca |
brsd.ab.ca |
edutlicho.net |
gshare.blackgold.ca |
prrd8.ca |
ignitecentre.ca |
yk1.nt.ca |
starcatholic.ab.ca |
ghsd75.ca |
learn.cssd.ab.ca |
clearview.ab.ca |
lrsd.ab.ca |
pwpsd.ca |
eics.ab.ca |
school.ecsd.net |
gypsd.ca |
bearspawschool.com |
aspenview.org |
nlsd.ab.ca |
yahoo.com |
nsaschool.ca |
gppsd.ab.ca |
mail.sacredheart.edu |
gm.fsd38.ab.ca |
pacescanada.org |
fairydustinspired.com |
nbed.nb.ca |
alexised.ca |
student.islamicacademy.ca |
psd.ca |
auroraschool.ca |
go.shoreline.edu |
icloud.com |
proacad.ca |
harvestbaptist.academy |
waterisgone.com |
wwsd.ca |
btps.ca |
cesd73.ca |
1secmail.com |
fsd38.ab.ca |
lrcssd.ca |
sasktel.net |
sawatzky.ca |
uamail.unionacademy.org |
stoneyeducation.ca |
g.gsacrd.ab.ca |
foxc6.org |
gsacrd.ab.ca |
hpsd.ca |
burbankusd.org |
wolfcreek.ab.ca |
sahtudec.ca |
prsd.ab.ca |
epsb.ca |
ngps.ca |
tis.edu.mo |
hotmail.com |
pembinahills.ca |
fleat6.ca |
jigsawlearning.ca |
nsd61.ca |
northlandscollege.sk.ca |
pvsd.ca |
share.epsb.ca |
bsec.ab.ca |
live.com |
ecsrd.ca |
francosud.ca |
holyspirit.ab.ca |
thirdschools.ca |
horizon.ab.ca |
nlsd113.ca |
fmcsd.ab.ca |
aol.com |
ktcea.ca |
pcti.tec.nj.us |
edgeschool.com |
sunchildschool.com |
baectted.com |
gcpsk12.org |
tsuutinaeducation.com |
alchemygroup.ca |
edu.sturgeon.ab.ca |
heschel.org |
lethsd.ab.ca |
popcornfly.com |
edu.gpcsd.ca |
telus.net |
ecacs16.ab.ca |
cfed.ca |
ffca-calgary.com |
hotmail.ca |
share.wilsonsd.org |
maskwacised.ca |
kihewasiniy.com |
deakin.edu.au |
mynorquest.ca |
plrd.ab.ca |
moodlehub.ca |
koinonia.ca |
mhcbe.ab.ca |
gnspes.ca |
mymacewan.ca |
isidore.redeemer.ab.ca |
yahoo.ca |
trincoll.edu |
coaldalecs.com |
ddec.ca |
sboe.org |
kcia.us |
me.com |
hfcrd.ab.ca |
psd70.ab.ca |
shelby.kyschools.us |
alcdsb.on.ca |
kobrandly.com |
sharklasers.com |
sturgeon.ab.ca |
lapu.edu |
prsd.ca |
gobindsarvarcalgary.com |
sccyber.net |
fvsd.ab.ca |
csdecatur.net |
tcphs.com |
wrsd.ca |
hindscc.edu |
ursulinedallas.org |
newegypt.us |
students.cbbccareercollege.ca |
eastmschools.org |
superblohey.com |
rtdacademy.com |
acpi.ca |
westmountcharter.com |
civix.ca |
teml.net |
adams12.org |
qq.com |
maplewood.school |
ymail.com |
slpsb.org |
k12.kpdsb.ca |
smcdsb.on.ca |
nait.ca |
nayoro.ac.jp |
froglake.ca |
g.comalisd.org |
gatewayk12.org |
cisgz.com |
decabg.eu |
live.ca |
wrps11.ca |
cornerstonekingman.ca |
fmpsd.ab.ca |
shaw.ca |
nationalarchives.gov.ph |
bdec.nt.ca |
kellerisd.net |
floydboe.net |
dvsd.org |
karenkey.com |
thirdstudents.ca |
thirdacademy.ca |
redeemer.ab.ca |
manseauweb.com |
loccsd.ca |
s.lfcisd.net |
kitaskinaw.com |
dekalbschoolsga.org |
e2academy.com |
uleth.ca |
westwind.ab.ca |
mbll.ca |
g.eips.ca |
dropjar.com |
mpisd.net |
cps.edu |
franklinisd.net |
emich.edu |
msn.com |
prn.bc.ca |
oldsuncollege.ca |
myplace.wcs.edu |
upcs.org |
columbia.ca |
moakt.co |
plancetose.com |
block521.com |
esuhsd.org |
dupage.edu |
gov.nu.ca |
tofeat.com |
wcs-g.com |
keethanowschool.ca |
blackgold.ca |
dcpsmd.org |
micds.org |
webberacademy.ca |
gardiner.org |
summitwestschool.ca |
csc-scc.gc.ca |
gpcsd.ca |
blondemorkin.com |
uisd.net |
hsd67.ca |
csftno.com |
klovenode.com |
almawakeb.sch.ae |
upei.ca |