Course Overview
Agriculture Safety is a prerequisite course for the Green Certificate Program.  Topics include practical knowledge of hazard awareness and controls, chemical safety, animal behaviours, equipment safety, PPE, fire safety, electrical safety, confined space safety, basic ladder safety and emergency preparedness. Government roles and regulation will also be explored.  Workplace Safety Systems is recommended as a prerequisite but not required.

Description: Students examine the role of volunteers in a community, perform as volunteers and evaluate their volunteering experience. 

Prerequisite: None 

Course Overview

In this course, students will explore the fascinating Japanese culture while learning the language. Students will develop skills in listening to, speaking, reading, and writing Japanese through a variety of interactive activities.

Note: To run this course at your school, you’ll require a teacher conversant in Japanese. Please contact the lead teacher if you have any questions. This is a beginner course; no background in Japanese is required for students.

This is the active course for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please contact Andrea Belke if you have any questions.

This is the active course for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please contact Andrea Belke if you have any questions.

Description: Students examine the Canadian income tax system through the preparation of a variety of personal income tax returns, completed manually and electronically.

Prerequisite: none