Course Overview

Knowledge and Employability science provides basic science literacy. The courses promote awareness, understanding and the development and application of science skills, knowledge and attitudes for successful living at home, at the workplace and in the community.  ADLC’s Science 9-4 course is available online and as a print course. Teachers who gain access to this course will see there are six Themes (units) of study.

Theme 1: Biological Diversity
Theme 2: Understanding Matter and Chemical Reactions
Theme 3: Environmental Chemistry
Theme 4: Energy Production and Use
Theme 5: Beyond Our Planet
Theme 6: Space Exploration

Online: All lessons and assignments are provided as a complete course. Self-Check assignments are auto-graded. All other assignments are assessed by the teacher. Answer keys and rubrics are provided for the teacher as well. There are no tests or exams because this is not a requirement according to the Program of Studies for Knowledge and Employability courses.

Print: All lessons and assignments are provided as a complete course. These are available as pdf’s and located in the Teacher Resource section when a teacher gains access to the online course.

Note: Print resources cannot be purchased from ADLC. Print resources as PDF’s are accessible via teacher’s login to the online course in Moodle. Teachers can print at will. 

Teacher Resources
ADLC’s Knowledge and Employability courses are available only through ADLC’s Teacher Support service. The superuser of the school can add any K&E course via SIS. If the school does not have an assigned superuser, one can be requested using the SuperUser Request Form on  ADLC’s Partner Support will process these requests and send a username and password to the new superuser. 
There is no cost to schools or teachers to access courses via Teacher Support.

Course Details
Assessments(s): No tests or exams needed because these are not required as per the Programs of Study.