Aboriginal Studies 30

Aboriginal Studies 30

by Melissa Burton -
Number of replies: 3

Does anyone have anything available for Aboriginal Studies 30? I'm desperate.

In reply to Melissa Burton

Re: Aboriginal Studies 30

by Dianna Kroetch -

Hi Melissa.  There is a bare-bones Aboriginal Studies 30 from Alberta Ed in the MoodleHub.  Dirk pulled it over to our server, so I am sure that if you ask him, he could do the same for you.  The bones of the course look alright, but most of the photos and videos have been scrubbed out, unfortunately. 

In reply to Melissa Burton

Re: Aboriginal Studies 30

by Murray Jarman -

I have a copy of the former ADLC version of Aboriginal Studies 30. You'd have to add the images and videos back into it, but it's quicker than making a whole new course. 

Message me at murray.jarman@psd.ca and I can send a mbx copy.

In reply to Murray Jarman

Re: Aboriginal Studies 30

by Tracy Gilluley -
Murray, do you still have a copy of this course I could use? My email is tgilluley@thirdschools.ca. Thank you.