Looking for French 10 Courses

Looking for French 10 Courses

by Danielle Manchak -
Number of replies: 4


Does anyone have a French 10 Course that they might be willing to share with us for use on our Moodle Site? Our current course is defunct due to a textbook subscription issue. 

Thanks so much! 

In reply to Danielle Manchak

Re: Looking for French 10 Courses

by stevens rancourt -
We are also using Carnegie Learning for FSL. Very well liked resources.
In reply to stevens rancourt

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In reply to Danielle Manchak

Re: Looking for French 10 Courses

by Jacob Fraser -
We are still using VHL Central's Espaces textbook to support our students. It has 15 chapters which pretty closely aligns that there are 5 chapters for each grade level in the 3 year program. The site also contains a large variety of activities and assessment tools. We use Moodle to narrow down the volume of items and track the grades from summative assessments used in VHL. Licenses are purchased through Oxford University Press.