Dear community,
please see below information on how to receive your own copies. At this time, MoodleHUB provides preview capabilities only. Please be aware that images and videos have been removed from these courses and that MoodleHUB has been advocating to release them anyways.
Dear Mr. Meyer:
Thank you for your November 4, 2021 email to the Minister of Education regarding access to the Teacher Support Resources previously available from the Alberta Distance Learning Centre (ADLC). The Honourable Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Education, has forwarded your correspondence to me for a response. We apologize for the delay in getting back to you.
The ADLC ceased operations as of August 31, 2021. When the ADLC closed, Alberta Education received Teacher Support Resources, which school authorities can now access and download:
· 111 in Moodle format.
· 52 in PDF format.
Should you wish to access some or all of the ADLC Teacher Support Resources for download to your Learning Management System (LMS) and distribution to teaching staff, please send an email to indicating:
· the name and email of the staff member who will access and download the Teacher Support Resources from Alberta Education; and
· confirmation that you understand that the resources:
- do not include third-party copyrighted images or videos;
- have not been validated by Alberta Education for content or alignment with Alberta Education curriculum; and
- will not be updated or modified by Alberta Education and are downloaded “as is.”
When the email is received, the role “ADLC Courseware” will be added to the identified user’s Provincial Education Directory (PED) profile. The user will receive an email advising that the Teacher Support Resources are available for download in the Stakeholder File Exchange in PED.
If you have any questions, please contact
We trust this information is helpful, and we appreciate you taking the time to write.
Field Services Manager
North Services Branch
Alberta Education
From: Dirk Meyer <>
Sent: November 4, 2021 6:12 AM
To: EDC Minister <>
Subject: When will ADLC courses be shared with AB schools?
Dear Minister LaGrange,
The Alberta MoodleHUB is a volunteer group of educators from across Alberta that collaborate, build and share digital courses for the purpose of improving teaching and learning. A large benefit of sharing with each other is reducing cost and increasing quality of instruction.
The former Alberta Distance Learning Centre (ADLC) developed hundreds of online courses. Many of such courses were transferred in early spring of 2021 to Alberta Education. The Alberta MoodleHUB group, and many Alberta schools, have asked to receive free copies of these courses. Yet, even after many emails and phone calls with your ministry, these valuable courses have yet to be shared with all Albertans.
I respectfully ask you to move forward the sharing of the former ADLC courses with all Alberta schools.
Dirk Meyer