Newest version of Moodle is on MoodleHUB

Newest version of Moodle is on MoodleHUB

by Moodle HUB -
Number of replies: 4

Hello MoodleHUB fans!

Just a quick FYI that MoodleHUB is now running on the newest Moodle version, 4.0. This version was much anticipated and it was released today. Some pretty cool features and changes. You can check it out by browsing all courses on MoodleHUB or by playing in a sandbox with the Teacher role here:


In reply to Moodle HUB

Re: Newest version of Moodle is on MoodleHUB

by Yolanda Chang -

Very cool Dirk, thanks for sharing! What theme is being used now for MoodleHUB, is it the default Boost theme?

In reply to Yolanda Chang

Re: Newest version of Moodle is on MoodleHUB

by Moodle HUB -
Yes, the out of the box Boost theme. It's a little boring but I'll leave it on for now.
In reply to Moodle HUB

Re: Newest version of Moodle is on MoodleHUB

by Cyndee Sawatzky -
This looks great, Dirk. Is there an updated way to download a course? I went in to CCS3110 and am not seeing the option to download a copy? I can move it to a different location within the Hub but would like to download the copy to upload to my Moodle? Thx!